Wednesday, August 29, 2007


(to make a good impression!) Right now I'm thinking less is my farmer says...I tend to talk waaaay too much (especially when I'm nervous!) So I will use the advice of a wise person that "Silence is my friend".

So here it is. My first entry. (this is very scary!) New things scare me to death. I've learned that it probably stems back some where to "fear of failure" or "fear of what others will think of me". Total lie. Perfect love casts out fear. And if you never make mistakes-you'll never learn.

Here I am jumping in with both feet. I'm going to be real. I'll share my questions, fears and doubts because we all have them and learn by them. We don't learn from the "perfect" people. In fact I feel terribly uncomfortable around them!

A little about our clutch. My girls don't like that word but it just means a nest of eggs from a bird or reptile...and since we have makes sense to me :)

The Farmer and I have been married 15 years. He really isn't a farmer. When I want to really tease him I say "you're no farmer" hence his name! We've been blessed with 5 children,
Ellie (12) Olivia (10) Caleb (8) Chloe (6) and Carsen (3) They are all amazingly different!

We started our adoption process with Acres of Hope in Mar. of '07. We had our homestudy done in Feb. then heard about a group of siblings from a friend shortly after that. We chose them from the "Waiting kids" list as they are a sibling group of three older children which tend to be harder to place. As of today we're in the "waiting for the finalization in Liberia" stage.

This process has been see God's hand in this (many times after we've made a step) There are so many things I could share about how we got here....but I said less is more, right? :)

About our Liberian kids....Marie "Marie Alison" (9) Garlayma "Isaac Garlayma" (7) and Gbanko "Josie Gbanko" pronounced like bongo drum (4)

They are simply beautiful. The kids and I KNEW immediately that these were our kids/siblings. I never understood how that could happen. Now I do. For the took a little longer! It was a shock thinking 2...and then 3.

We live on about 10 acres. We do have a big red barn....I will post pictures someday (when I figure it all out) Right now we have 2 ponies, 41 (ish) chickens, 2 dogs, several cats and kittens, a fish and 2 hamsters. We just sold our last donkey...there go all the funny jokes!

I LOVE the country! I love the colors, the sounds and the beauty of it. It's our dream and God has blessed us with it.

I do homeschool the kids (no I don't sew, can veggies-yet-or write my own curriculum-sorry!) In fact most of the time I don't have a plan or clue. I'm trying to focus on the "next one thing" that God would have me teach the kids. My prayer is "God help me!" (everyday)

Ok. I hear the farmer in my head saying "enough already!" So I'll stop. You know more than you probably wanted to about me now. And I DID say too much (again!)


S and K said...

You have a gorgeous family! Congrats on your new additions! How exciting. We are also bringing home 3 kiddos... two brothers and little Handful (not related)! We had a similar experience. We saw our kids' names on the waiting list and knew they were meant to be ours, even before seeing their pictures. Handful (our little "Haddie") we found on the special needs photo page and she captured our hearts in an amazing God-way!
We also plan to homeschool. Actually, I have just begun to lead a co-op for my friends' kids (they are 2nd grade and I taught them in kindergarten at a Christian school) even though my sweet darlings are not home yet! Don't really know how it all transpired... but I love it!
Anyway, I also talk too much so I'll be ending this looong comment now!

Amber G. said...

I just found your blog (sorry, it took a while :) and I had to comment on your very first entry because I thought it was perfect. Great "first impression"!

I LOVE the country, too. I wouldn't know what to without the quiet and the dirt and the wide openess!

I'm looking forward to following along now that I've "found" you! All eight of your children are beautiful.

Amber G.