Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolute in 2008

So...do YOU make New Year's Resolutions? For the past several years I didn't even bother. Why purposefully set myself up for failure? Everyone else does it...why should I make one?

This year I have picked out two (VERY simple) things I want to change...and no, I'm not calling them resolutions :)

1. I am giving up coffee (just for January!!) It's more of a calculated experiment.
For those who know me...you know I LOVE coffee. And not just any coffee...it has to be very, very bitter and dark (nothing in it please!) I order it monthly...especially from a food co-op...it's Espresso Roast and it is heavenly. (or was) The last several weeks it hasn't made me say "AHHHHHHH"...so I quit cold turkey to see if I will feel any different without it. I'm not saying I'll never drink coffee again...because a good coffee now and again never hurt anyone! This is only a test...and not performed on animals :)

2. I am going to try to diligently take my vitamins everyday.

That's it! I'm not even going to tackle the rest of my "I wish I could do this better" list at all. Like I said...I resolutely refuse to make resolutions.

Okay...this part is for you Brandi!! (she guilted me into posting again..guess it has been almost a month--yikes!) I go by the old addage if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all.

I'm not even sure this is going to happen...but we do have appointments set up with Alma on Jan 17th and one for us on Jan 24th.
She set these up personally and we're praying she fulfills her commitments.
I continue to remain cautiously pessimistic about traveling to get our 3 kids in January. We've heard that Alma's travel plans have changed and she will be gone the last part of January now (12th-29th) I still haven't heard back from her if we can keep our appointment dates. I'm guessing if she's gone they will be moved into February. We will keep you posted on what we know. We are still waiting to hear that all three children have passports as well.

Thank you for your continued prayers in bringing our kids home!


Brandi said...

Yeah!!! Thanks for posting! I'm sitting here trying hard to extract my videos to post and it's driving me crazy!

By the way. .I did ditch coke for a time just b/c I knew it was calling my name way too much! It was hard, but it worked and now I'm back to it!
No Resolutions for me this year. . .I have to wait till I'm sleeping through the night to start or stop anything new! ha ha!


S and K said...

No resolutions for us yet, but I'm sure they are to come. I have given up coffee, but not by choice... no time to drink it. I reheat it about 10 times each day but never drink more than a couple sips.
I think I'm going to start keeping iced coffee in the fridge for an easy grab!
Praying like crazy for your kiddos visas and for a quick homecoming!

alice said...

Theresa, just saw the comment on my blog (I don't get around to updating much). From what we have heard (one of our senators talked with the consular office last week) the interviews, etc are going to continue with the consular's assistants. Will be praying for you guys.

Hope our girls can stay in touch after we get them home.

Brandi said...

um, what's the point of a blog? hmmmm?! You need to post here! Even if things aren't peachy. . journal it here. You can even preach to yourself here and remind yourself of the voice of truth! Then, we can come and comment and pray for you!

Love you!

Brandi said...

I posted about your kiddos on my blog (didn't really mention them by name though for privacy!) I was praying for them and for you yesterday!


Brandi said...

what? nothing exciting to post?

come on!

Becky Avella said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip to Liberia. Welcome home. I'm so relieved that you were able to get the visas and get home. I'm praying for your transition.

: ) Becky A.
(AOH Family)