Tuesday, April 8, 2008


It's amazing how fast time flies when you are not in the "waiting" stages of adoption. The waiting for a referral...the waiting for finalization...waiting for passports...waiting for travel. Time just creeeeeps by when that's what you're focused on. We have good friends who are waiting for their son, Enoch, to come home. Please pray that they will hear the adoption is final SOON! We're so anxious to have him here. Our Liberian kids pray for him every day to come to America.

I can't believe our kids have been home over 2 months now. It's hard to believe we were ever even in Africa!
(and yes Brandi...it's been a month since my last post :)

I started to write down things I'm thankful for with all our kids...just to remind me when I'm struggling with their behavior.

Here are some things I'm thankful for about our Liberian kids:

-I love how they say "thank you" after every meal
(Josie, our 5 yr old, cracks me up with her deep voice)

-I love how they sing...all the time.

-I love how they tell stories using their hands. Marie knows so many stories and songs. I told her she has to keep telling them to Josie so she remembers too.

-I love to hear them pray...it's like a song. The nannies did a great job teaching them.

-I love Marie's laugh

-I love to see them outside riding bikes and playing soccer. I love to see them being kids.

-I think it's funny how they remember songs from movies...they will sing "You've Got a Fren' in Me" over and over!

-I love how they watch out for each other. They really have a sibling bond. I'm so thankful for that as Josie was at the little kids orphanage most of the time.

-I love Isaac's truthfulness

-I love Josie's wink

-I am so thankful they don't seem bitter or angry. They do pray for their pa every night..and ask for his forgiveness

-I am thankful for their hugs, kisses and "I love yous"

-I love to watch them put lotion on their face

-I love how they say "I eat the whole ting!" (I will eat the whole thing)

-I love to hear them sing "You Are My Sunshine"....that just cracks me up!

What we've learned in two months:

It pays to be consistent in discipline. We've seen alot of change. Our biggest struggle was with our youngest (5 yrs) who I'm sure was never told "no". We don't allow the "pout" or "wailing" or when they avoid looking in our eyes when we talk to them.

Keep asking them to eat veggies. Now they love baby carrots and when they came wouldn't try hardly any veggie. We don't complain about food...and life isn't fair.

How I struggle with loving like Jesus! This kind of shocked me. I really thought it would all come naturally. We fell in love with their pictures...and the idea of adoption...but now it's a reality and with real kids.
I have to pray for His love....and His love isn't conditional.

Yes we've had hard days but I must say none of my huge fears adopting older kids ever happened. I think what would have happened if we would have listened to the advice of others? Even Christians? How easy it would have been to say "this is just too much out of my comfort zone". Just listen to Jesus!

The kids have adjusted amazingly well for all they have been through and lost. They really are neat kids! Life is crazy and busy....but God did it all so He will help us.
This has truly given me a heart for Africa. I can't wait for the day when we go back again.


Brandi said...

You may wait a month in between posts. . but you sure make up for it! I LOVE your sweet list and would love even more stories of those sweet kiddos!

I'm praying for Sherry and her family too, today!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I'm so grateful to read your post today when I'm struggeling with my whopping 3 kids. For each one of my children, we have had a "special song" we sing. For Nathan, we sang the "yay Nathan" song (we made it up), and with Tyler, we sang the "itsy bitsy spider" song because he was our itsy bitsy... I smiled that the kids sing it... "You are my Sunshine." I can't wait to meet these kiddos and hug all 8 of them! ~Aunt Chelle

Anonymous said...

oops... I should say the sunshine song is what we sing Lily

A mom of many said...

I love your post!I can relate!We adopted Joyce,Marie's friend.The songs,the little dances,the fears that never came to be,everything you posted!I'm glad things are going well.
Tina Frye

S and K said...

I am so happy you posted again! What an amazing post!

I know where you're at!

Just said a prayer for you!


Liberia adoption blogs said...
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Melodie said...

Yay! You've started posting again! I am so glad the kids are doing so well. Such a cute thankful list!

A few things that might be helpful for you to know:

Josie was never at the little kids orphanage. We purposely kept her with the "older" kids so she could be with her siblings.

Culturally it is not appropriate for a child to meet the eyes of an adult. Many parents assume the avoiding eyes is disrespect or insecurity. It is neither. Children will even get spanked for looking a superior in the eyes in Liberia. So your kids are just learning to overcome years and years of training.

It sounds like you are doing great with the discipline! Liberians typically discipline only when the child has been so annoying that the parent is now angry. So children rarely grow up with good, consistent training. Naturally little kids get away with a lot, especially when they are cute! And manipulation is the only way to possibly save yourself from a punishment.

Keep posting and tell the kids I say hi!