Monday, August 25, 2008

FINALLY Done, Urban Chicken and Vacation...

Well, it's that time of year again and I've just ordered my home school books. Nothing new.
This is how I do it every year so I didn't expect to get anything ordered earlier even though every year I try. :) I never start before Labor Day anyway! I'm really wanting to stop stressing on how I think it "should" be done...and do things that I like and enjoy (and hopefully the kids will too) I've never really taught that way before. I'm usually frustrated a few months in because things aren't going as planned....books aren't getting done...and then we just coast the rest of the year without plans or goals. This year my goals are simple but there...and I'm going to watch God fill in my gaps...which I KNOW I'll have. He's the ultimate teacher.

This year we're trying something new....Sonlight Curriculum. I've known about it but never tried it so we'll see if it works for us. I definitely need something for multi-age teaching so I'm really hoping this is "it". The rest of our stuff is hodge podge...Abeka science, Explode the Code,we're trying Sequential Spelling this year...finishing up some left over grammar books, God's World News (current events) Really wanting to teach more geography this year with (I ordered THE best map! :) That means I'm SURE we'll use it-ha. We'll be doing Latin root words for fun (I love them personally and think they are SO helpful to only Classical Education plug)

Olivia is doing a writing class. She's actually in the middle of a story she started on her own about the underground railroad. She's been working on a few movies with friends too (for fun) That's what I call real learning!

Ellie started her first "real job" today. She's babysitting a 2 yr old boy for a lady that goes to our church. I really felt she needed something "her own" and a little time away...more responsibilty...etc...and this opportunity just came out of the blue (from God) She'll be watching him two afternoons a week (if school is getting done) She's going to start riding lessons again with a new girl we've met who also loves horses. God is in the small stuff too...I just need to look!

Here's the best chicken recipe I've ever had! I think I had it ready and in the oven in 10 min. flat (or less) That's what I call a winner :)

It's called Urban Garlic Chicken from the book Fix, Freeze, Feast.

2 whole chickens (8-10lbs each) yes....I actually THOUGHT I could get 2 meals out of this...wrong. The leftover would be fabulous I know!

1/4 c. olive oil

2 T. red wine vinegar

1 T. minced garlic (from a jar!)

1 T. dried thyme (didn't have so used sage instead)

2 tsp salt

1 tsp. pepper

2 carrots, peeled and cut in half (didn't have- so didn't use)

2 celery stalks, cut in half

1 onion peeled and cut in half

Rinse chicken under cool water (I just found out I'm suppose to do this!) Pat dry with paper towel (didn't do either....I told you this was quick! :) Just shake that bird hard over the sink-call it good.

Combine oil,vinegar, garlic, and spices in a small bowl. Place chicken breast side up in greased baking dish. Loosen skin on breast and legs and rub marinade over and under skin. Put celery, onion and carrots in the cavity. Roast at 325 for 1 1/2 hrs.

If you don't want to cook both chickens at once you can freeze EVERYTHING for later. Put the cut up onion, carrot and celery in a 1-qt freezer bag. Put the marinated rubbed chicken in a 1-gal. freezer bag...throw the veggie bag inside the chicken before freezing and it's altogether for your next meal. Completely thaw the chicken in refrig. before baking. How easy is that!

We are going on a "vacation" soon. (no...not to African like some of my blogging friends...I only wish!) but to Lake of the Ozarks. We tried this a few years ago and had a really good time. This year will be a little more interesting :) I know some of you other brave souls have gone on long vacations with your newly adopted it can be done and you can come back somewhat sane, right???

My goals before we leave are to:

a) plan well for the trip (which was Dave's request of me!) Interesting if you know us, huh?

b) I really, really need to order and get printed TONS of pictures from our trip to Liberia and of the kids.

c) write and send (along with those lovely pictures that should be printed off) our adoption reports on each of the kids that are due now. I don't know why I think that is so overwhelming but I do...I just keep putting it off....and off....and off.

d) find someone to do our animal chores while we're gone

e) find a good friend to loan us their canoe, ski rope and tube....Donette? Steve? Anyone :)Kidding.

Summer is winding down as I notice the mornings and evening are getting pretty cool here in Iowa. Another season gone....reminds me how quickly the years are going by. I love what someone said about the days being sooooo long....yet the years go by so quickly!

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