Monday, June 16, 2008

Sleepless in Seattle

I just returned from Seattle in the wee hours this morning. Very fun trip and I didn't even get lost! It was great to be together again with BOTH of my brothers and parents. We even rode together in the backseat of the car without fighting! :)

My "little" brother graduated from the UW in Landscape Architecture. I'm very impressed and proud of him! He's a great daddy too! Fun to see him in action...changing those diapers...making breakfast and lunches...drool on his shoulder! (I have the cutest nephews and niece!)

My brother from Brazil also flew in and we shared a hotel room with my parents....hence the sleepless part! (get Breathe Right strips yet Chad????)

My sister-in-law took me to Pike's Place Market where we walked and shopped and ate lunch. She is a brave soul and takes the kids everywhere. She can even apply make-up and drive in Seattle traffic :) I had my first taste of "belly strips" (salmon jerky) and REAL cherries (yes I lead a sheltered life!)

We took a ride up the Space Needle and had a beautiful view at night. Perfect weather!

I got to enjoy two graduations and heard THE Quincy Jones speak at one. Pretty impressive.

On Saturday night I was able to have dinner with my friend Michelle. We first met in Kindergarten. She and her family now live in the Northwest. We had a great time laughing (and laughing) over dinner. For some reason almost everything was halarious....just like old times.

It was pretty sobering to see our hometown featured on CNN constantly due to the record flooding in Cedar Rapids. Downtown is still shut down and the Interstate is still closed. Thankfully I was able to make it home from the airport without a huge detour.

I also have to share a new idea my husband thought of to clean grass out of our Liberian kids' AIR COMPRESSOR! He said it worked like a charm (don't try this at home!!) You never know what might happen when dad is on duty. Everyone did survive though!

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