Saturday, February 9, 2008

It's Official...they're brothers!!!

Caleb loves to tease. Isaac loves to tease back. Tonight Isaac farted on his brother Caleb-numberous times....I guess it's now official!:)

I'm jealous of all of you with Liberian kids that will eat anything put in front of them. Our kids are pretty picky. They would LOVE eating PB sandwhiches and bananas all day. Put a piece of broccoli in front of them...or a carrot and you get a look of disgust.

We're working on trying everything...THEN you get the 2nd helping or dessert or a snack. It's amazing what they'll eat for a piece of bread!

We're had several crying/whining/wailing sessions. Going on the advice of several seasoned adoptive moms with kiddos from Liberia we're all over it. No wailing-no whining or you get a whoopin' as it's called here. I'm a little surprised it's working. I still feel like we're in the calm before the storm. I know we'll have many more issues and tantrums to deal with in the future. We just keep praying for God's love and wisdom...because we can't do this on our own.

Even our sweet little Josie has a streak in her. She's probably the most difficult so far. At the dinner table the other night we had her eat her broccoli. Low and behold she had to go pee-pee really bad. Come to find out she deposited her broccoli in the toilet! Good thing I have the food police here. Not much will go unnoticed!

God give us grace...seasoned with wisdom, love and laughter so we can ALL be pleasing in your sight.


S and K said...

Oh my, I remember those first weeks home... not that we are very far ahead of you with only 2.5 months under our belt.
My older son Cephas had told us that in Liberia he was ALWAYS hungry and there was always pain in his stomach (probably hunger!) but his pain has gone away. What amazes me is that even though he was STARVING in Liberia, he is so darn picky here.
For the first few weeks we chopped up the veggies so small and mixed it in their other food so they couldn't pick it out. After they "acquired" the taste we began forcing them to eat the veggies before any other food. There were two nights that they boys both went to bed without eating... they went on a hunger strike and refused to eat the veggies. No more of that.
They've now moved onto complaining about how I make the same food over and over again. My dad's policy of eat it now, or eat it now, later and even later seemed to work... along w/ the straight to bed if you complain policy.
Anyway, so, so very excited for you. Lifting you up in prayer

Anonymous said...

You're doing great!!! Seek the Lord where he will be found!!! (As in every day!!! ) He will be with you. Hoenstly, the first three-four weeks aren't too great in my memory. IT's changning now, getting so good...keep hanging on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, Denise

Brandi said...

I love it! The fact that they're already fighting and making their feelings known shows how comfy they are in your presence already!

You'll do just fine with everything. You're such a great mom and have prayed for these kiddos for so long. God does not call us to anything He doesn't equip us for either!

Love you!