Thursday, April 10, 2008

Racial Confusion!

Our almost 4 year old (my baby) thinks he's black. He not only thinks he's black but he tells people he has a black dad in Africa....and his name is Jimmy! (what???)

He's always been my story teller. He can go on and on with the most serious face telling stories so this really shouldn't suprise me. He can tell you about hunting, shooting dangerous animals....anything his mind thinks up at the moment.

He also starts out his stories now by saying "when I was in the orphanage".....
He just cracks me up!!! I'm fairly certain he isn't really confused....just trying to fit in :0
It can be hard being the baby!


Amber G. said...

Very funny! My three year old bio daughter started telling me the other day: "my brown mama lets me ___"(fill in the blank with whatever it is she wanted to do at the moment.) I just cracked up at her ingenuity, but had to let her know that she was out of luck with that approach! :)


Brandi said...

oh my! That's hilarious!


Jocelyn said...

okay this is funny! If it makes you feel better Isaac on a weekly basis holds up his arm and says, "I'm a white man!"

I have no idea where it comes from, but it cracks me up!
