Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July Update

We just got back from spending 3 nights at a church camp with all 10 of us. Two days later and I'm finally "caught up" with laundry! Packing bedding/clothes/towels I really started wondering if it was worth it! The kids and I drove over with my friend and her 3 kids and the guys met us later that night. I wonder how I got roped into packing AND loading again this year??? :0

Marie and I went horseback riding one afternoon with friends. Most of the kids went on the zip line for the first time. Not sure they really knew what they were getting into :) Isaac whooped all the way down. Wish I had a picture of that!

Isaac and Caleb got "blobbed". Which means getting bounced insanely high off of a big huge water tramp thingy in a lake. Then there was swimming, campfires, singing, eating, and meetings we went to. We had a really good speaker this year....Warren Henderson. I'm reading one of his books called The Olive Plants...which is very good.

Last year there were 3 Liberian kiddos there...this year there were our 3 plus another friend's Liberian daughter. Next year I'm guessing there could be over a dozen if another family from CR comes!

This was the first time my grandma and most of my dad's side met our Liberian kids. We TRIED coming after the fried chicken dinner (we all ate beforehand) but how do you tell Liberians....or anyone...."no" to my grandma's fried chicken and mashed potatoes/gravy!!!
I think she was a little overwhelmed at the sight of all the kids playing kickball and chasing kittens in her front yard. In fact when we pulled out of her driveway in our "bus" and I had the kids all yell "good-bye"....my parents had to help her sit down!

We had my brother Chad (from Brazil) stay with us a few days during his yearly "winter" visit. He spent hours playing with the kids at the swimming pool. Another day he made paper airplanes for hours (I was about ready to pull my hair out :0) Good thing he's a teacher!
It was fun having him visit. The girls love the Brazilian flipflops and the boys got soccer outfits. I am enjoying my coffee--thanks Chad!

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