Monday, September 10, 2007

A Glimpse of the Future

Last Saturday night we went to the 2nd annual Liberian picnic in Cedar Rapids. It was fun seeing families we already knew and others that we just met. I wish I would have gotten a picture....there was a whole mess of kids! (20+ adopted Liberian kiddos and all their siblings)

It was bittersweet that our kids weren't there...but it gave us a hope in hearing all the stories how God literally worked miracles bringing all these kids to Christian homes in the US. It will be amazing to see the work God is doing in these kids' lives!

I met an adult Liberian that tried showing me the Liberian snap handshake (about 10x!) I'm a sloooow learner.

Donna (from Acres of Hope) this morning who said that our finalization should be done anyday now. That when she was in Liberia a few weeks ago our files were in the Liberian courts. Hearing that has me hoping and praying we'll get another call from Donna this week....then onto the next stages of waiting for passports and visas.

We did get a new pictures of Gbonko (Josie) today. She looks really silly and happy....much different from the other sad-eyed pictures we have of her.

On the "farming side" our hay is getting soaked. Dave cut this weekend and it's been raining all day today. Not a good thing. Thankfully we don't rely on hay to pay the bills! I even got a call Sunday afternoon from the "farmer" that he had run out of gas down in the neighbor's off I went to the rescue with a full container of gas. (who says I'm not a farmer's wife?! :)

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