Monday, September 3, 2007

Bread Making 101

OK. After several years I am trying this again. I have the grinder...and the big ol' mixer (how homeschoolish is that?) Setting up this blog maybe gave me a friend had borrowed it and all 6 of her loaves turned out PERFECT! :)

So after 18 c. of flour....during the "sponge" phase....I realize this whole batch is a flop....a 20# flop. I killed the yeast with water that was too hot. I truly wanted to scream and throw the whole thing out in the yard. My mind is racing for other options as all five kids are watching me. Okay. Playdough time! They all started making their own "unleavened" rolls, crackers (they weren't too bad) and pita bread. Nothing really tasted great...they added ALOT of garlic salt for some reason. So most of it went to the chickens and horses. The horses LOVED the crackers!

After realizing my mistake I had to try again or thought it might be another 3 yrs. So I just made 1/2 batch this time. I must say they turned out fair...not perfect, not beautiful but edible. So I will be trying this again. (or my girls will) They really really want to make bread and sell it. So this can be their deal. I've shown them "how not to do it now"!

Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL Labor Day weekend. We're heading off to cattle farm near Kalona to hear Norm Wakefield speak. Really. Not sure how this is going to work. Several other families we know are going...there will be a potluck, singing and a hayrack ride. The big question: what to wear??? Jean skirt? (I'm really just kidding here) I do homeschool too!


Anonymous said...

Teresa...don't give up on the bread making...practice makes perfect!!! Is that a mother's comment?!? The experience did give you something to write about on your blog...not totally a waste of time!
Love...your mom

S and K said...

Teresa, you crack me up!