Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fun, Food and Family....

Last week the girls and some friends went to the Todd Agnew/Rush of Fools concert. What an awesome time (even though it was loud and rocky...I know! I must be getting old:)

I love how God creates us all so we can worship God in such unique ways. And what an incredible message they all have! The most encouraging was the opening act Joy Whitlock who has an amazing testimony. Her first CD is coming out in April. She's was anti-Jesus her whole life...preacher's daughter...rock player...and saved just 3 yrs ago at the Passion of Christ movie. Her lyrics are deep, honest and worshipful.

How easy to think that everyone (Christians) should look the same, talk the same, worship the same. But God made our unique personalities...gave us gifts and is only concerned in conforming us into HIS image...not to look exactly like each other.

On the way home we spontaneously decided to go out to eat at Perkins at 12am. (it started with lost car keys!) The girls thought it was so much fun having choc. chip pancakes, biscuits and gravy and omelets that early (or late!) I'm too old for this too! What great memories we'll have of that night.

Now the family part: We've had Dave's Uncle visiting this week. (his annual visit from Chicago) He was going to stay until Sat. but left (I think RUNNING!) today. I think the noise...the kids...and actually our 3 yr old not wearing his shoes/coat outside finally pushed him over the edge. I think he felt bad and called from the road kind of apologizing.
He's been a bachelor for 78 this is a big thing for him to do)
Dave's 2 sister have been here as well. It's been an interesting mix of food, ideas and conversations.
Plus if you can believe it...the furnace quit working AND the we had repairmen in and out all this week too!
(I kept telling them that we really don't live like this all the time!) I'm sure they thought we were nutso with kids, relatives, and dogs running around the house!

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