Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Pictures of Our Kids

We're still waiting for the phone call saying it's "final" so we can move onto phase #2...the passport wait...then the pre-visa interview and visa wait. Seems like we'll never get to Africa to bring them home.

With hearing about several lost referrals of kids lately...I have to keep reminding myself these 3 aren't "our" kids...just like our bio kids aren't "ours". If this is the Lord's plan...HE WILL do it.

We did receive some new pictures this past weekend...I'll post a few. Seems like they have gotten so much bigger each time we get pictures!

I notice the biggest change in Gbanko (aka Josie) Her earlier pictures she had tears in her eyes now she's smiling and even acting goofy.

I keep praying God is preparing them-as well us our family-for this big change.

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