Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm SO Proud!!!

The swimming pool will be closing soon which motivated my Liberians to get into the "deep end" and jump off the diving boards. Yesterday Marie was able to swim across the deep end, dove off the side (well!) and jumped off both the low and HIGH dive! Chloe of course had to do it as well. Which led to Isaac being outdone by two GIRLS. Today he decided he too would jump off the diving board. It took some courage but he loved it! I bet he jumped off 30 or more times.
I wish I had a video tape of how the new kids "swam" at the beginning of the summer. Let's call it thrashing wildly in the water! Now they truly can swim and Isaac has the crawl stroke down like Michael Phelps.
What a beautiful day! Glad we could spend it at the pool lounging, visiting and showing off :)
Dave decided that mom needed to get wet so he pushed me into the pool (where are the life guards when you need them?!) We did end up having a fun time swimming. I have to get in at least once a year after all!
The rest of the weekend we'll be running errands and getting ready for the trip to the Ozarks. The kids are so excited! Olivia will be organizing the "snack bags" for everyone. We have Jonathan Parks cds...buying some new coloring books...hopefully this will occupy everyone for the 5 hour drive. Let's hope so!


Heart4Adoption said...

So how was the trip?

From Five to Eight said...

ummmm...the car ride home was SO long!!! :0
The kids loved tubing and fishing :)

It was nice to stay put in one place for 5 days or so. But we were ready to come home!
ps my girls have posted pictures on their blogs...I just never get around to it!