Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And Our Next President Is......

Yes, I voted today. I'm very thankful to have that opportunity to be a voice in our government. It's pretty sad to see which way all the media (TV..magazines...newspapers) are slanted. So very obvious.
But God is in control of this election. Who He allows to be President we will honor because that's what He tells us to do.

I'm not going to sit in front of the TV tonight getting updates on all the poles...getting nervous or even a little fearful of the outcome. I'm going to bed (early!) and in the morning I'll know who The Chief will be.

Ellie is out riding the pony cart with Lucy. I love seeing her to that. That's her little escape.

The kids had friends over today and played outside dressing up. The older girls were filming scenes for a movie. Carsen was in a (very small!) Spiderman outfit with pink winter boots. He's so funny!

Olivia is at Irish Step dance right now. The girls rode 4.5 miles on their bikes today meeting thier friends at "the bridge". Olivia's legs felt like jello!

I'm reading the book Three Cups of Tea. It's not a quick read for me. I don't know if I'm not really into it or what. Usually I can finish a book in a day or two.

I think we're having pizza tonight. And I have some really, really good icecream in the freezer I just bought from the co-op. Maybe I"ll save that for a celebration tomorrow!?

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