Tuesday, November 25, 2008

See Spot Run....

I was reading another mom's blog the other day and she had a picture of Dick and Jane...with her children all probably cozied around her reading it. Her quote was "I was made for this".
Frankly....when I'm reading Dick and Jane with Marie I want to tear my hair out. I don't think I was made for this. (I AM doing this because I think it's the right thing to do now...but it isn't easy!) How can the word Spot...in the very next sentence....be Fluff? or jump? I know she knows the sounds of the letters. I know it isn't on purpose---the connections just aren't all there yet. And she really, really wants to read which is why we still plug through it.
I'm sure it's as frustrating for her as for me. And I REALLY try to hide my frustration....but I think I'm more like my dad than I thought! :) Just kidding dad....I haven't thumped her on the head yet with a pencil! And you were a REAL teacher!

Anyway...just had to get that off my chest today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - my thoughts exactly! Furthermore, Dick and Jane has got to be the worst. Helpful in teaching your child to read, but the worst nonetheless!
