Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Turkey Anyone??

We just got over the holiday feast and have been having leftovers here...many, many leftovers :0

For kicks here is what we've eaten since last Thursday:

Thursday- a 30# turkey plus a 17# ham and all the trimmins'

Friday-left over turkey/ham and trimins'

Sat-turkey noodle soup

Sunday-turkey enchiladas

Monday-turkey alfredo pizza (not as bad as it sounds! Really. Trust me.)

Tuesday-split pea and ham soup (yea! the ham is all gone!!!!)
turkey and wild rice soup
left over turkey noodle soup

Wed-the rest of the left over soups for lunch

Alas...last Saturday I again baked another (yes, really) 30# turkey. See there was this "good deal" last year. A man from Kalona had all these fresh turkeys for sale cheap...and we bought 3 not realizing their extreme size. Unfortunately two froze together creating this 60# block of frozen turkey that I could not lift from our freezer. So there they sat all year. We started thawing them out about 5 days before Thanksgiving. We thought about even using a chisel!
No, they don't fit in our oven. Thankfully I had a roaster and we put a tent of foil around it to bake. It actually works quite well once the guys rinse it and lift that giant thing in there. It bakes about 14 hrs on low...or 5 hours on high. Trust me.

SO....I froze quite a bit of turkey meat. Right now I think we're all ready for a change...and I've run out of turkey recipes. There is this turkey cranberry salad that looks interesting--but I think it might be bycotted.

1 comment:

♥Olivia Grace♥ said...

Yeah I am kinda tired of Turkey!
Please can we not have Turkey for next thanksgiving?! I don't think I like Turkey anymore.
At least we have food! Love you!