Friday, December 5, 2008

It's the Little Things....

This morning when Dave was on his way out the door for work he found a HUGE office pack of bagels and cream cheese on our front porch. Mystery! (we found out later it was a guy from his Father's Group at church) He drove all the way out in the country--on gravel, snow and ice covered roads to deliver them fresh!

Later in the afternoon our neighbor came over carring a dozen and a half chicken eggs (in his stocking cap!) for us. We love fresh eggs since our crazy chickens aren't laying now.

It's grace when the lady Ellie babysits for says she can leave work early so Ellie can get home to grab her backpack she forgot for her sleepover tonight.

It's the little everyday things I need to keep my eyes wide open for so I can have a thankful attitude all year (or just day!) long.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Okay, I'm all caught up on you and the girl's blogs. Love all the pictures on both the girl's blogs they are both pretty talented, truly. Now for these pickle roll up things hmmmm gotta try that!!!