Friday, November 2, 2007

Another One Down....

So another week has gone by...another month gone by. I think in the "adoption waiting world" Fridays with no news are called Black Fridays.

We were told the kids would be in the October finalization group. Obviously, it didn't happen. So we're into November. And I'll keep checking e-mails and waiting for a phone call.

When it does finally happen I'll probably say "Rachel WHO?" (she and her husband are the new AOH people in charge of all the adoption "stuff" in the U.S.) They are newly adoptive parents as well (VERY newly) so I know they know what all this waiting feels like.

I just read on someone's blog that adoption is much harder than pregnancy. I think I'm with them. There's no "due date" Dr appt to check how things are movement...nothing but this thread of hope that maybe sometime we'll be actually flying to Liberia.

So again I just say...Lord I know it's not the right time. Your ways are perfect. You don't have to explaing anything to me...I can rest that you are in control of every little detail even across the Ocean (but please check to make sure our paperwork is not getting over looked?? :)

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