Sunday, November 18, 2007

We are Finalized!!!

Oh boy have we been waiting to announce this great news! On Friday, November 16th, 2007 we received "the call" from Rachel at Acres of Hope. Ellie answered the phone and knew right away who it was. I was upstairs cleaning the toilet and completely caught off guard. Not expecting it...not even daring to hope anymore. I had shared the night before at a mom's meeting that I wasn't even sure the paperwork had actually been turned in and I was trying to make peace in my heart with that thought.
So what a surprise it was! I know God loves to surprise His children like that. Not with a stone but with something beautiful...something we hardly dare hope and pray for. I feel 10 lbs lighter! Giddy almost. We're having triplets! :)
Now for the kicker...we're still PRAYING and EXPECTING and KNOWING that God can work it out to have us travel to pick them up before the end of the year. Humanly it is absolutely impossible--all three passports have to be applied for and received (Liberia side) visa appointments and interviews need to be set up...and the kids need to be approved by the Consular to get their Visas. Many times they won't get done together so there's a wait. Or they might need more info...or a roadblock might come up. In fact we can't even presume they are "ours" until we're flying in that big plane home. So many, many details out of our control. But God is bigger than red tape...He is in control of it all. He has His plan and it will be perfect whether we travel this year or next year...or they don't come home at all. (I dare not even go there in my thinking)
But will I praise Him if this all falls apart? Will I praise Him no matter what? Do I believe He is sovereign in ALL things...the good and bad? The blessing and trials? I have to. He's God..and well, I'm not.
We are praising Him for this news that has encouraged our hearts!

1 comment:

TAK said...

Okay, I am not sure if you received my first email or not because I just ceated a google account. So I just got your blog address from Kathleen last week. Great news that things are getting closer to reality. I will pray for God's intervention in all the details. Awesome!