Friday, November 9, 2007

Gentle Ways...

I am amazed and usually humored in the way God tries speaking to me. It takes me several times of hearing a verse over and over...or a friend mentioning the same verse in conversation...or reading it myself to see "ahh...this must be for me, huh God?"
I am floored that he takes the time to do speak just to me in song or words or people. To care about what I'm dealing with. That Lavish Love!

Some thoughts from Him to me this week: His mercies are new every morning!
I do not need to be stuck in the past or even yesterday. He makes each day new...and gives strength to the weary. He gives wisdom without finding fault....and will give GENEROUSLY to anyone who asks!

And this is the funny one....a telephone caller from Mitt Romney's campaign called yesterday...right when I was going to take a nap. I had told the kids NOT to bring me the phone if anyone called...but Chloe either didn't hear or didn't obey. This lady was SO sweet. I'm not sure what made me take her "poll"...which was one question. But then she went on to praise my 6 yr old for the way she answered the phone and then went on and on about how good homeschooling is.....I told her thanks I needed to hear that and about did the ugly cry on the phone with her! A message from God through a campaign caller! :)

I have some pretty special friends who are Jesus' hands and feet. Thank you.

6. my 3yr old telling me "mom, you're BOO-TIFUL!
7. the same 3 yr old sitting as CLOSE to me as he can when I'm reading to him
8. my 8yr old son being concerned about how I'm feeling that day
9. my 12 yr old being THRILLED with her hair-cut! (and thanking me)
10. hearing the girls sing spontaneously together-trying to harmonize

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