Friday, May 1, 2009

Now We're Getting Somewhere....

Not sure how well this will work...or how efficient we'll become...but I've struggled with having schedules and chore charts forever. It undid me. Frustrated me. Overwhelmed me. I made an attempt to write out a 3x5 recipe card for each child with all the chores I could think of they can do. After sitting on that awhile...I transferred them to a sheet of paper in a plastic sleeve protector so I won't have to rewrite lists everyday--or every week. (not rocket science is it?) I'm just not a naturally organized person and things like this perplex me to the point of not even attempting to do them. So how do you eat an "elephant"? One bite at a time. It's not a big deal if I mess up cards...if I have to rewrite chores...add chores...take away chores. I am CAPABLE. (yes I have to tell myself that often!!!) Remember I'm still very much getting use to being a mother to a "large family". That still is shocking sometimes.
I'm trying to bite off little pieces at a time. Checking things off of a list. Not getting overwhelmed. Just do the one next thing as Elizabeth Elliott said (I think she said that)

Today we also made a visit to the new school 5 kids will be attending this fall. It's run through our church. I didn't even feel nauseated walking in the door. We'll have kids in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. What a load off of me that will be!! It's not even feeling real yet. Another step of faith and seeing what God will do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I didn't know you guys were coming to school. Isaiah will be in 4th and Hope will be in 3rd. So which kids will be in their classes? They will be very excited!